Conference - Clinical Key for Electrical Stimulation in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Within the scope of the multiplier event of our CK4Stim project numbered 2021-1-TR01-KA220-VET-000032970, supported within the scope of the European Union - Erasmus+ KA220-VET Vocational Education Cooperation Partnerships, the “Clinical Key for Electrical Stimulation in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation” will be held at Süleyman Demirel University on 28 June 2024. We are honored to invite you, distinguished scientists, to the "Conference". Our conference will include electrical stimulation applications in different fields of physiotherapy and rehabilitation science, as well as a workshop on the use of open educational materials, which are the outputs of the project titled "Clinical Key for Electrical Stimulation in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (CK4Stim)". We prioritize sharing developments based on lifelong learning-based professional development and creating collaboration and social interaction among scientists. In our conference, which will constitute an academic summit on Electrical Stimulation, listening to our distinguished academics in the field of electrical stimulation and meeting with our colleagues under the roof of the Turkish Physiotherapists Association will make our unity and solidarity stronger. Our conference is national in nature and the presentation language is Turkish. Scientific studies in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, especially electrical stimulation, accepted by the scientific committee within the scope of our conference will be published electronically in the Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. You can participate in our conference with an oral presentation. We will be pleased to see you, our valued colleagues, at our conference. As the Conference Organizing Committee, we invite you to meet in the unique natural and historical beauties of Isparta, the Land of Carpets and Roses.